International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematical Sciences & Computing (IEMSC-25)

IEMSC-25 invites papers describing original research in the following areas of mathematical sciences and computing. Papers should be typeset using MS-Word. Only electronic submission is allowed. Submitted papers must contain previously unpublished work and should not be submitted concurrently to another conference with refereed proceedings or to a refereed journal. Best Paper Award will be given to the registered participants for outstanding presentation.

Number Theory



Computational Fluid Dynamics


Fuzzy Mathematics

Operations Research

Computational Geometry

Complex Networks

Data Structures

Experimental Algorithm Methodologies

Graph Algorithms

Parallel and Distributed Algorithms



Graph Theory

Data Analytics

Quantum Computing

Artificial Intelligence

Automata Theory

Mathematics for Machine Learning

Quantum theory

Fractional Calculus

Mathematical Physics

String Theory

Differential Equations & Dynamical Systems

Internet of Things

Deep Learning

Poster presentation on any of these topics is also welcome.